Upto 1 Hr | ₹ 450 |
1 Hr to 1.5 Hrs | ₹ 550 |
1.5 Hrs to 2 Hrs | ₹ 650 |
2 Hrs to 2.5 Hrs | ₹ 750 |
2.5 Hrs to 3 Hrs | ₹ 850 |
3 Hrs to 3.5 Hrs | ₹ 950 |
3.5 Hrs to 4 Hrs | ₹ 1050 |
Above 4 hours (per km) | ₹ 15 |
Get expert drivers on Joboy for your urgent travel requirements. Our driver partners are well trained and experienced, and will take care of your specific requirements, and take good care of your vehicle.
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